The location above has the correct colour scheme for our artist, as it is red under dark lighting this could seem dangerous, this gives the viewer half of our artists image (the amy whinehouse side.) However the location in itself suits our genre due to the fact that british souls is often set in bars (see the previous posts for Lemar and Amy Whinehouse.)This local setting allows the audience to relate to the artist very easily, this is a key part for our image, and one that will work in our favour due to the setting.
This second image is another section of the bar that we intend to film in, this is slightly brighter, this will give us a difference in location, thus avoiding viewer fatigue. This will also be th setting for a lot of our mid shots, as the bar cuts the body off half way this makes the type of shot very clear, as well as making the boring old mid-shot a lot more interesting. Finally the clean surfaces that will be evident in the shots will indicate a new fresh look, this is corresponding with the overalllook that we want our artist to have.
Take your time! Your spelling & grammar are a bit all over the place! This post is fine but could show more detail! JIN