
Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Analysis of rock video 1

This video for 30 seconds to mars' "Closer to the edge" incorporates shots from various shows they have sone around the world, this shows how their fans are an integral part of their bands success. Also the fact that some of the shots have titles that seem to be in the voice of the band makes the video so much more personal for the audience as the band has had a personal input to the video. Tracking shots are used to emphasise the movement that is happening in the performance. Mid shots are also used in order to create normality in the video, this imply's the bands rockstar lifestyles and creates a very admirable image of them.
The editing here is all in the use of shot cuts, most of the video is dominated by montage editing, this is dude to the fact that the music is very fast paced, however there are moments (like the introduction for instance) that the shots are more slow paced, this goes along with the pace of the music as with the "Foo Fighters" video for "Rope".

The mise-en-scene of both the video and the band is a very cool band that is very artistically expressive, this can be seen in the way they dress in the video, the frontman's pink mohawk particularly makes him stand out amongst the crowd. The video is also very bright due to the bright lighting that illuminates the stage, this connotes the upbeat nature of the song.

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