
Saturday, 3 September 2011

Analysis of Pop video 1

Example is an english musician who has only recently broken into the publics eye, in his music video for the song "Stay awake" he talks about the problems in society. The mise-en-scene for his music video is very in keeping with examples overall look, its very grimey and showcases life in London. This goes along with Examples overall image as he is very proad of his English roots and a lot of his music talks about life lving in England. The fact that example is only shown in black and white differentiates him from the other people in this music video, this could be to represent that he is looking on british society and commenting on it in his song. He wears a sports jacket in this video, this shows that he is a very modern singer and is in tune with the latest fashions and trends etc. The rest of the shots have natural light to show that it is everyday life in London/Britain.
The shots of Example himself are dominated by close-ps, this highlights the fact that he is the artist due to the fact that we can see him singing/performing. There are also several long shots which show him moving around the stage, these shots show his enthusiasm and showmanship. Several of the shots that dont focus on Example are handheld, this emphasises the rough nature that is trying to be conveyed through these shots. The low shot (shown in the bottom right of the contact sheet) makes the individual more powerful by making him seem larger than life, this ahows how the song is meant to empower people.

The editing in this video is mainly in the black and white which differentiates Example from everyone else, this could be to show how he is asking for change, this is shown by the lighting changing as well as the colours which change when he is shown. Also the montage editing changes when Example starts to rap, this is due to the fact that the song changes in pace, as i have established the shots become faster as the pace of the song does the same.

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