
Sunday, 18 September 2011

SJA Assessment (SUMMER WORK) 18/09

- Very pleasing to see a much more organised and up-to-date blog Cameron - big improvement on Year 12!
- You have clearly taken lots of care taken to compose very good contact sheets - all posts are visual because of the use of contact sheets
- Evidence of careful thinking and analysis for the post completed as part of the summer work. Some excellent reference to specific conventions / techniques, and a clear understanding of the features of a successful music video. You clearly gained a lot of useful ideas from the 'In The Sun' class shoot. Your blog is looking very good so far.
- I thought your lip synch task (with Ryan and Jack) was really good - clear grasp of the need to include a variety of shots and to avoid viewer fatigue.

- Just some suggestions to help you improve the work: The contact sheets are very good Cameron, and it's good to see each post is visual, but try to show a more varied use of media to create visual posts.
- I'd suggest that you try to take short extracts (clips) from some of the music videos you have anaylsed instead of relying on contact sheets for all posts. This would boost marks for 'creativity' and 'skill in the use of media and ICT'. Try creating a 'voice over commentary' perhaps for your analysis of 2 or 3 of the Pop and Rock music videos -  to talk through the ideas you liked and the approaches (lighting / shots) that you felt were successful. You make lots of very perceptive comments about editing techniques and camera movement - and still screen grabs just don't show off your observations. Including analysis of moving clips will work more more successfully.
- Upload the brief music video you completed over the summer with Elenya and Katie - as it is excellent. Explain why you did it, and the skills / ideas you gained from the activity
- Make sure you look back at the Research checklist we gave you and please check that you are using the correct names / titles for each post.
- Your work on the 'Low Budget' videos is not your best efforts Cameron - too brief and vague. Come back to this and improve. This would be a good opportunity to do a voice over commentary of these videos - rather than contact sheets, or merely uploading the whole music video from You Tube - an examiner will not bother to view the whole 3 mins of any complete video you have uploaded, and it really has no meaning, unless you upload only a short 5- 10 sec extract which demonstrates your point (about camera movement, editing, etc)... or unless you provide a voice over commentary.
- One post from Summer work missing - It's either Post 5, 6 or 7 (Analysis of Rock Video)
Effort for Summer Work: Some Improvement Needed - will certainly go up through the effort levels if you address some of the points of feedback I have given here. Make sure you compelte that missing analytical post, and improve Post 12 (Low Budget Music Video x 2 Analysis)

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