
Friday, 14 October 2011

Technical tutorials-CD Covers

This CD cover shows the lighter side of our artist, this is due to the fact that the lighting is a lot brighter than the other CD cover (see below) thus connoting the slightly more light hearted side of the artist. The font also connotes a more positive attitude than the CD cover below, as not only does it have a inner glow and an outer glow, but it also has a less aggressive look than the one below, this effect is created by having the fill of the font look almost childish. The image in itself suits our genre as not only does it imply that our artist is an intelligent at independant woman (in that she is sleeping on a book full of music notes), but the composition also suits our genre, this is due to the fact that it is a close mid shot, this makes the photo more personal for the viewer, this connotes emotion which is a key theme within out genre.

This second CD cover (as mentioned above) shows the darker side of our artist (also known as the Amy Whinehouse side), this is created by having a dark red border and a shadow around the edge. We also added a very see through red layer over the top, this creates a darker scene and therefore a slightly more dark mise-en-scene. The title is also a lot more suited to our genre as it almost incorporates the classic 50s lights within the font.

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